Thursday, May 1, 2008


My wife and I live in a rural area in the southern part of Rutherford County. I am an outdoors type person, and am out in the yard a good bit. Between walking and playing with the dog and our 4 year old grandson, my time outside is a lot. It was even more so today as Trish and I were doing some yard work.

A pretty common thing is for cars to go by and blow their horn at us. It is someone who knows us, and the horn blowing is a form of southern hospitality. It is like a handshake via the car. Or it is like saying hello, or how are you doing... a form of greeting.

The problem is, we hardly ever recognize who is blowing the horn and waving at us. So we will just wave back, wondering and asking aloud, who was that? Unless we recognize the car as belonging to someone we know, we hardly ever know who is giving us a shout via the horn blowing and wave.

I am glad for friends unknown who shout hello as they pass by. There are some of you who drop by our website or my blog from time to time. You are interested in our goings on and my thoughts. A blog is a smorgasbord of opinions, thoughts, and feelings. Sometimes they are positive, sometimes they are humorous, and sometimes they are reflective of what is going on. I have on a couple of times gotten a little too serious and a little too reflective. I plan on lighting up a little. A little smile, and little how are you, and a little horn blowing will do us all some good. So I am sending out some southern hospitality to you today.

How are you? I hope you're doing well. It's good to see you. Come back now, you hear?

Write me and tell me what you think about my blogs or what you would like to hear about.

Be blessed,
Pastor Ronnie

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