Wednesday, August 13, 2008


We start a series this Sunday that I am calling the Leadership Summit. I have never been one that is great at staying with a series, but I feel compelled to do some structured teaching, and it seems the Sunday morning format is the one that I am to do it. A summit is a high point, and I believe the Lord is calling His church to the high point in him.

And so, systematically, we will discover, or rediscover, the practical truths of the Christian walk that leads us to greatness. What makes a church strong in its community? What builds a believer into a mighty man or woman of God? It is those daily choices in life of dedication, devotion, discipline.

A lot of what people call revival, or a mighty move of God, just seems to me to be "noise". If you make enough noise with some people, and have a little "crazy" in with it, you have stirred their flesh. I am long ago over wanting someone to tickle my flesh. I need something deeper, something stronger. I need to go up the mountain to the presence of God, back to the word, back to my knees in prayer. I need to get concerned about the lost again. I need to help the church evangelize the community and the world. These are the things that I believe are the essence of true revival in a people.

I am old enough to remember one of the first commercials of Wendy's. It was some old ladies opening their burgers, only to find a little piece of meat hidden beneath the buns. They call the burger place, and say, in disgust, "Where's the beef?"

I want to get the beef back in the church!

Y'all be blessed,
Pastor Ronnie

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