Friday, September 19, 2008


The big news on the morning networks is of the possible government intervention of all the banks and institutions which are about to go bankrupt. Seems Uncle Sam has decided to reward all the slothful investments, the luxurious lifestyles of the executives, and raise our taxes several trillion dollars or so. They tell us this will stabilize our economy. Go ahead, take another bite out of my check, if it will help feed the orphans in... er, uh, the executives on some remote island.

But the real news to me is the disappearing of milk chocolate. It seems Hershey has replaced cocoa butter (milk chocolate) with vegetable oil in most of it's products. The Hershey Bar and Kisses are so far ok, but everything else is substitute. The Mr. GoodBar is now the used to be GoodBar, as well as its other brands. Hershey's, in an attempt to preserve its profits, decided to replace the chocolate with the fake stuff, without telling us.

The labels on their candy that state milk chocolate have been replaced with the words candy chocolate, or chocolatey. The FDA will not allow the word milk chocolate without the cocoa butter. We would not have known, had not this lady who eats a bunch every day and writes about it noticed the difference, and they featured her on the morning news. I thought my taste buds were gone south with my age. But now I find, they changed the ingredients without telling me.

This news about the economy and fake chocolate is too much. I am so depressed I think I'm going to go eat a candy bar. No, wait a minute, that won't work.

What's next? Taking the coffee out of my coffee?

That's it for today. Y'all be blessed. We're going to make it. God is still God, and He is still good!

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