Sunday, November 16, 2008


It is always good to know that you have made a difference in someone's life. That happened today in the service. Two young people gave their hearts to the Lord. I gained a new brother and sister in the process. Our services at New Harvest lately are exciting. It seems we are making an impact on our community. That is our passion! I want to reach souls for Christ, and to stir the hearts of the people the Lords my way. A teen came up to me today, and told me he enjoyed the sermon. He has only been coming for a few weeks now. What an encouragement, to know that you are touching the generations!

Sometimes I vent here on a blog, or I share something personal. I did that for a moment last week, and decided to pull it. It serves no purpose here for me to publicly whine or cry over things which have happened. I want what I share to be uplifting- and when I read what I had written, it only saddened me. So, I pulled it.

From time to time you give your comments about my blogs. It is encouraging to me.

Remember, when you lay your head down tonight, you are loved by an incredible God. He thinks you are special. He never gives up on you, never lets go of you. You can make it through what you are going through.

Love and Prayers,
Pastor Ronnie

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