Saturday, September 26, 2009

The best pastor in the world

The best pastor in the world... This is what I saw on facebook. And it wasn't talking about me. When I saw it, immediately I was offended.

Offenses and hurts can come up when you least expect it. I thought I was beyond being hurt anymore by this. It was something that happened three years ago. I have moved on. Or, so I thought. But sometimes things happen which trigger a painful memory. And you are back to that day, that moment, that time... when the offense happened.

It is not always that you haven't forgiven, or haven't moved on. It isn't necessarily that you carry bitterness or resentment. Some people think to get over something you have to forget it. I don't agree with that assumption. I believe that the fact that we are still here, still alive, and still moving is an indicator that we have not surrendered to past pains.

It wasn't intentional. It was on facebook. The post was telling someone that they were the best pastor in the world. I saw it and wish I hadn't. Because I was once that pastor. I was once the one who poured into their lives. But they walked away without saying goodbye, after 20 years.

Yeah, it hurt when I saw it Am I angry? No, not any longer. In fact, I wish everyone would think of their pastor as the best in the world.

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