The snowstorm wiped us out this past weekend. Inclement weather greatly affects our ability to conduct services here in the south. Everything pretty much shuts down. And the storm produces several inches of snow, with some sleet and freezing rain on top. Missing a Sunday is difficult for a church, especially in our area, and one our size. It is difficult to make up the finances lost to a closed Sunday. The Sunday before last was not snow, but it was a cold rain. This also affects attendance. Although we held services, the turnout was down.
I was looking forward to service tonight. It has been a beautiful day, and the midweek service was one I was excited about. But my wife has had a severe attack with vertigo. She has had bouts with this before, but it has been a number of years. I have been known to leave the house and go one during one of these bouts, but I am hesitant to do so with this one. She can't sit up, and has been extremely nauseous. So Trish and I will miss the Wednesday night service.
They are calliing for a possibility of more snow this weekend. I hope they miss it. I am ready for some church!!
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