Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Under new manageMEnt

When I read the sign saying under new management, I always wonder what was wrong with the old management. It usually is an indication, at least in my mind, that the old system was not working or had ran its course. Of course, this is not always true. Sometimes new management comes as a result of a buyout, retirement, or sale.

Whatever the reason for the new management, it is a reminder that things do not stay the same forever. Change is constant. And sometimes there is a need to change. Change can be better. We tend to get stuck doing the same things the same way.

New management can also mean that we go back to the original vision or purpose for the thing. New can be a return to the old. Going back can be going forward. Not as in being stuck in the past, but in following the pattern, the blueprint.

I am announcing new manageMEnt. I am hereby resigning. No, I am not stepping down from the pulpit of the church I pastor. The dictionary defines resigning as (not as in re signing, or to sign again) to submit, relinquish the right to, give control of. The resigning I am referring to is ME. I want ME to be under submission. I want God to have complete control of ME. My heart's desire is that I would be under new manageMEnt. And yes, the new I am speaking about is a return to the former. My aim is to seek Him first.

We do it without meaning to. Like the church at Ephesus Jesus spoke to about returning to its first love, we drift. We get distracted. We allow earthly things to dominate our minds. From TV to internet, to everything around us. Those things are not necessarily sin, but they become sin when they become our dominating thoughts and take control. Anything which takes His place in our hearts is a violation.

Yeah, it's time for a change. Maybe not for you, but for me. Gotta discipline my heart, my mind, my spirit. Gotta change my attitude about some things. The new manager I want in my life is the Ancient of Days, the I AM.

Pastor Ronnie

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