Thursday, November 12, 2009

Taken for granted

My wife woke up sick yesterday. Not sure what it is, and she hasn't yet been to the doctor. Without medical insurance, we tend to wait things out. We pray, take over the counter medicines, and when necessary will go to the doctor. Its morning of day two as I write, and she has just gotten up. I've sent out prayer requests to the church, on twitter, and facebook. A lot of people have prayed for her. I am hoping she is feeling better today. Too early to know yet.

I went into the kitchen to put on some coffee and make some toast. We purchased some jars of apple butter at the Apple Barn in Pigeon Forge last week, while we were there. I thought of how good toast and the apple butter would be. That is when I noticed the mess. I hadn't noticed it before, but I am sure it was there yesterday.

The kitchen was a mess. The sink was piled up with plates, bowls, cups, glasses, and utensils. I decided I would put them in the dishwasher, but it was full. Thankfully, everything in it had been washed. Being the perfect husband I am (yeah, right) I decided to put everything in its proper place. After I had done so I emptied the sink of all the unwashed items and put them in the dishwasher, putting the detergent in it, and turning it on.

I then proceeded to place a paper towel in the trash. Guess what? It is full. Looks like I am going to have to take care of that. All this work is making me tired, so I decided to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee while I make out a game plan. Oh no! I hadn't seen this before, and don't know why I am seeing it now--- the living room is a mess! My grandson, Zach, who is 5 years old, was out of school yesterday due to the holiday. Between the two of us, we made a mess. Papers scattered, cookie crumbs littered, things where we left them. It looks like the carpet needs vacuumed.

My mind is racing to my sickly wife. Not only does she keep a clean house, she takes care of two boys (Zach and I), works in both the church and church operated daycare. I don't know how she does it all.

I sure hope she gets well soon. My mind is on overload from thinking about all the things that need to be done, lol. Seriously, I love Trish so much. I realize in times like this how much I take her for granted.

Get well, Sunshine!

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