Friday, April 30, 2010

Never underestimate the silence

I am thinking about the midweek service just passed. We have been having some powerful services at the church. The Sunday and Wednesday meetings both have been great. The presence of God has lingered over us. Each service it seems the hunger and expectancy is stronger. There is growing anticipation of what God is going to do

The service really wasn't silent. I thought all in all, it was good. Those of you who have been in ministry or church life understand the thought process. We tend to rate and rank the services by volume, crowd, excitement level, etc. And in doing so, we sometimes misread and wrongly evaluate what has transpired.

So I understood the comment made to me at the end of the service. Upon leaving, one of the gentlemen, said, "Pastor, I was expecting more." His comment sort of threw me, but I brushed it off. I wasn't sure what he was basing his evaluation on. We were limited in the praise and worship, as some of the team was out. The music wasn't as kicking. Was that what he was referring to? I am not sure. And I am not writing this article to rebuff his statement, but rather, to bring to light our thought process. As a pastor, I have felt the same way many times after a service. I wanted more, and expected more.

One thing I felt for sure was this. I had given it my all. And in the preaching and teaching of the word, there seemed to be a touch from heaven. I could sense that it was an on time word, and the people were receiving.

Some people label Charismatics or Pentecostals as being all emotional. And some of them are. What I want our people to understand is I appreciate the times of the fire and the earthquake, the times of unbridled enthusiasm and excessive celebration. But I also appreciate the still small voice of God.

No, God really wasn't silent Wednesday night. He was speaking through His word. "He that has ears, let him hear what the spirit says to the church..."

Never underestimate the silent, still small voice. Tune your ear to the Holy Spirit. God is speaking.

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