Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's easier to build a wall than a bridge

I have found in life that it is easier to build walls than it is to build bridges. As a matter of fact, in the spiritual sense, it doesn't take much effort to build walls. Walls have been erected through the years, in nations, communities, homes, and churches.

We build walls through racial prejudice, walls through pride. Walls are built through bitterness and unforgiveness. We had rather shield ourselves from the risk of further hurt or misunderstanding, than to open ourselves to being vulnerable again.

You may be a builder of walls. There may be walls in your life. They serve the purpose of keeping others out, but they also keep you shut in. I have been a builder of walls before. In my deepest pain, I erected walls. I would walk the other way at the sight of one whom I perceived had caused me pain, and acted as if I never saw them. The truth is, I had. But I had built a wall. And the wall kept me locked in to the pain of my past. What kind of walls are you building?

The bible says of Job, that "the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends." (Job 42:10) These were not exactly the kind of friends you appreciate. They were accusers of Job. When he needed their encouragement, they turned on him with venomous accusations about his relationship with God. But when Job decided to no longer be bitter against his friends, he was opened to restoration of God. Blessings came. Victory returned. He received twice as much. Job went from a wall builder to a bridge builder.

Yes, I have been a wall builder in times past. But I have retired from that occupation. I am now building bridges. It takes more effort. Costs more. You build bridges, you give people the freedom of walking out of your life. But you also allow them the freedom of walking back in, if they choose to do so in the future.

I am in Kingdom business. I know there will be those with me at this stage, that will not be at the next. But I will nevertheless keep the bridge open. In the future, some who walked away may be connected, or reconnected to the vision. I can't afford to have a wall to someone who I need, and who needs me.

I'm bridge building...

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