Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Time to recharge the batteries

It happens to all of us. We left the car lights on, and the battery is drained. The same thing happens to our cell phone, Ipod, or laptop. We used them, and forgot to plug them back into the power source. A need to charge the system, or to recharge, not only happens to vehicles, appliances, and electronics, it happens in our lives. We go, we do, we run. Our busy lives can take a toll on our spirit. We become drained, without energy. And when we have no spiritual energy.

As a pastor, I tend to get to that place. I plan, go, meet, preach, teach. I organize, structure, and all the things that go with the territory. Most in ministry do. If we are not careful, we can become so work oriented that we lose the freshness of God. And when I lose the freshness, both I, and the people I serve, are affected. It is from His presence that we are blessed. Not impressive speeches or well polished programs. I need the fire of the Holy Ghost to be fresh. I hunger for Him!

I got to thinking about the recharge thing this morning. I got a call from my daughter. It seems she had gotten caught out in the rain yesterday afternoon, and upon returning home, had left her lights on. When she got ready to leave for work this morning, the car wouldn't crank. She needed a boost. Later, I sat down at my laptop, and it would not power up. It had become disconnected from the power source, and the battery needed to be recharged. In both instances, they needed a fresh connection with power in order to properly function.

I hope your batteries are charged today. I want to make sure that I keep mine fully charged. I'm going to be prayed us, praised, up, and in the word. I plan on making sure I guard my mind and my heart. I need to be charged up so that I can recharge others!

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