Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I got sticker shock yesterday... No, not at some enormous price for a product I was buying. I received a couple of stickers. Let me explain.

We have a daycare at the church. I mingle among the kids pretty much every day, but that is about it. A general walk through, speaking to the little ones, teachers, and staff. I take a few moments to love on them, and then move on. I had decided yesterday that I wanted to have a weekly "chapel service", sort of like a kid's church thing. I had the teachers bring the children into the sanctuary at 11 am. We opened with prayer.

I asked the kids if anyone wanted to lead the prayer. My grandson, Zach, said he would. He prayed an awesome prayer, asking the Lord to bless our time. We then played a dvd of praise songs, with kids singing. The children loved it. They sang, danced, and had a great time. That was followed up by a bible lesson on Jonah and the whale.

I had anticipated spending about 30 minutes altogether with the kids, but they didn't want to leave. So they stayed right up until lunch time. The last part was filled with more singing and dancing. It was during the time that I received my "sticker shock". I actually received it twice.

You see, our kids are rewarded with a sticker for good conduct. They may get one a day, or they may receive several. My grandson, Zach, usually comes home with a sticker on his shirt. The kids are proud of them, and they serve as a note to parents and grandparents of good behavior. So the stickers are seen as a reward. To give your sticker to someone else by the child is to bestow your reward upon someone else. That is what two little girls did to me. Neither of them saw the other do it, so it was an instictive thing they did-- it was their way of blessing me for taking the time to spend with them.

I was greatly moved by the two little stickers on my shirt. They had absolutely no monetary value. But they told me that I need to continue to take the time to make the investment in people.

I hope you get a sticker today.

Y'all be blessed,
Pastor Ronnie

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