Tuesday, February 3, 2009


OK, I'll admit that the subject of my blog is not a deep theological study. As a matter of fact, it is an insignificant thing to many. But I feel I must bare my heart and confess... I'm missing my coffee.

No, I haven't gone through a deep religious experience that has caused me to give up my caffeine. I just decided a couple of weeks ago that I could no longer justify paying around $9 per pound for my favorite blend. I generally go through that pound per week at home, and that is not counting what I use in my office here at church. I found I could get a cheaper version of Colombian Supreme for half the price. So, for the last two weeks, I have been drinking the cheaper variety.

Yeas ago, before I accepted Christ, I enjoyed smoking cigars. I found out there were many varieties, but you got what you paid for. If you paid for a nickel cigar (you could get them for that in those days), that is what you got. Needless to say, I became addicted to the more costly smoke. It is somewhat like that with my coffee.

Occasionally when I go on a fast, I will come off the caffeine for a week or two. But I like the taste of my coffee. No, I don't like the taste of this cheap substitute. I can smell the difference, and I can taste the difference. Once you have drank of the good stuff, it is hard to go back to the cheap imitation.

It's sort of like that with God. We can substitute cheap religious experiences, and we can justify that we are still born again, still in church. But I also miss the deep aroma of worship, of moving and flowing in the Holy Ghost. Sometimes we have it, and sometimes we have decided it costs less spiritually to go the religious "lite" way.

As for me, I prefer the rich aroma... of coffee, and of worship!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Who says that coffee is bad for you? You just delievered a good theological illustration right there... thanks...