Saturday, February 28, 2009

Deacon attempts bank robbery

News highlights in the last couple of days from Greenville, SC is of an attempted bank robbery. Armed with a gun, the assailant entered the bank and took several hostage. An alert person on the outside of the bank spotted the hooded man as the plot unfolded, and called authorities, who were on the scene quickly. The robbery plot was foiled and no one was hurt in the incident.

The attempted robber was identified as a businessman, deacon in the church, and father of four. He had no prior record according to reports given on the news. I just saw the news on TV channel 7 in Spartanburg SC, as they reported the story. It has aired several times, and now shows the man appearing before the judge dressed in an orange jail suit and cuffed. His sister stands beside him, crying to the judge and telling him that he had never done anything of this nature and must have snapped with the pressure. Apparently his business has had some recent trouble.

I know none of the people, but Greenville is nearby where I live, so I follow the news from that area. I have seen this account probably a half dozen times since Thursday when it occurred, and find myself feeling grief over the incident. I feel grief for the people in the bank who are left with the scars of an attempted robbery. Both the employees and the customers will undoubtedly have this etched in their memories for a while. The outcome now is that none were harmed, but as the scene was unfolding, they did not know if they would breath another breathe of air. I feel for the family and friends of this man who attempted the robbery. His children will not know life as they knew it, as he undoubteldy will face a good number of years in prison. His wife, his parents and siblings, his church family are all affected by this ill advised decision. I feel also for this man. He is responsible for his actions, but I cannot imagine what would cause a man who seemed from outward appearances to have his life in order act out such an ill conceived plan.

This is an hour of great perplexity in our nation. The financial crisis has left many in great anxiety and distress. All across the nation are reports such as this of people who are commiting robbery, suicide, or some other act of violence, out of character.

This is an hour to pray and call on God. This is an hour for the church to shine the light. There is hope!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

OH, wow... I'll be praying as well. Thank you for standing strong in the midst of this and encouraging others to always have hope.