Wednesday, March 4, 2009

That's why they call them Grand

I send a great big Happy Birthday greeting to my grandson, Zachary. He is five years old today. I guess you would say Zach is an average five year old, but in my eyes he is one in a million. I tell everyone that I have "spoiled him rotten." I have found that saying doesn't translate well in third world countries, and I am unsure if it translates anywhere at all for that matter other than here in the south. What I mean by the saying is that I have lavished him with love, affection, and gifts. But I don't really think Zach is spoiled, not in the sense of what we used to call "spoiled brats" who throw tantrums to get their way.

Gotta pause on the blog... my phone is ringing. It is 6:45 AM and a call this early in the morning usually indicates trouble somewhere. But no, it's Zach. He is already up and has opened some birthday presents. Excited, he wants to tell me about them, but after a minute or so of conversation, asks to speak to Maw Maw. So I now continue...

Trish and I raised four children. We married early and had a houseful. I love them dearly, and would stop the world for them if possible. I would march into hell to rescue them. They are my world. And while I have never questioned my love for them, when I look back I tend to question some of my decisions. I would now be more lenient in some areas, more understanding, spend more listening.

I get a do over with Zach. I wasn't a perfect dad, and I am not a perfect grand dad (he calls me paw paw). But I have learned that my time and my love are the most valuable commodities I can give him. I never grow tired of talking, playing, and loving on him.

Zachary wants to sing like his maw maw and preach like his paw paw. He has my bibles, the old worn out microphones from the church, and assorted instruments and karaoke machines. He got a keyboard this past Christmas. His ambitions may change at any moment, but I know we have poured our lives these past few years into him.

Yeah, they call them grand for a reason!

Happy Birthday, Zachary!


Rebecca said...

What a beautiful tribute to your gorgeous grandson! A great thing is you're still young enough to enjoy him!

Anonymous said...

hey pastor ronnie im sarry that i wose not ther wendsday becose i hade no way ther but im comeinc sunday and may god bless you and your familey love Dylan Baynard