Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Good Job

I have heard the phrase over and over for the last three weeks to a five year old. Zachary, my grandson, has been taking swimming lessons. The instructor at the Y has heaped praises on everything Zach has done, from day one. "Good job" I will hear him say as Zach applies a technique he has just been shown.

I never had formal training on swimming. I've learned things just watching the instructor teach Zach. So my knowledge of whether Zachary is doing it correctly or not is very limited. What I do know is this- the youthful lifeguard constantly affirms to my grandson that he is doing good.

"Good job, good job." In the thirty minute lesson, it is repeated at every step. It places support in a little boy who that he can do it. "Swim a little further, keep coming, I am with you, good job." The instructor looks no more than twenty years of age. But his maturity in teaching is beyond his years. No, I am not talking about teaching in swimming. He seems capable at that, but as I said, my knowledge of swimming isn't based on technique. No, I am referring to his teaching about life.

Encouraging people to take an extra step. Praise them for the effort. Assure them they can make it. Tell them they they are doing good. Positive affirmations to people. An encouraging word. You would be amazed at how people will give the effort when they are encouraged.

Low self esteem prevails in some. You may be one of them. You may have been told you are no good, you can't make it. Someone may have called you a failure. Your image of yourself may have been shaped by cold calloused comments of people who don't know your real value. But the God in heaven who formed you thinks you are special.

I want to borrow a couple of words I have heard from a young man at the Y, and tell you: "Good job."

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