Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I did it! After much visiting, fault finding, and judging, I finally found the perfect church. I had dreamed of finding such a place that was deep enough spiritually for my superior knowledge, and holy enough to sustain my constant criticisms of the girls whose arms were showing, and the boys who had earrings or tattoos. Do you realize how difficult it is to sit in a church service and be distracted and surrounded by all the fleshly people?

Although I have only attended this church a couple of times, I am pretty sure this one fits the bill and meets my stringent guidelines. The pastor seems to be in his early 30s/mid 50s. He is young and energetic and has a fiery vision/ mature and seasoned and has much understanding. His wife plays the piano/keyboard and teaches Sunday School/Kids Church.

I prefer a church that is open to the freedom of the Holy Spirit, but have found that many of those who give such liberty are confusing and crazy. Not this church. The services are electrifying and energizing/restrained and low key. I have never seen so much liberty in all my life, it is so refreshing. Their is not a time element there, the services have lasted as long as an hour.

The kids ministry is perfect. They teach the children on their own level at kid's church/make them sit in the pews and listen to the preaching like we did when I was growing up. The youth ministry is also exceptional. The teens are excited and growing spiritually and I am sure the fact that the awesome youth ministry/ constant putting down by the pastors and leaders is the reason.

Their is no pressure to give, pray, serve, or any of the other things which usually are attached to places of worship. What a relief to finally find such a perfect place. I plan on joining this Sunday!

Of course, such a church doesn't exist. And if it did, you and I would mess it up. The people looking for a perfect church generally come in with their set ideas of how church should be. They allow little room for variance. They expect more of leadership, kids, youth, and anything going on in church, than they are willing to give or do. These people may give to the church, and may serve for a season. But they are constantly fault finding- maybe publicly, maybe privately. The "perfect church lookers" usually refer to the church as "your" church, and never identify it as their own. These type people, who in their own estimation are deeply spiritual and anointed, are actually shallow and narrow minded. They have place themselves into a box with their thinking which prohibits them from reaching the very people Christ died for.

Like the sons of the prophets of Elisha's day, they are viewing from a distance. They can tell you what is going on without ever taking the steps of Elisha. He got committed. He followed and served Elijah faithfully. And when the mantle fell, Elisha was there to pick it up and get the double portion.

At New Harvest (where I serve), I will tell you up front that we are not perfect. Neither I, nor those who serve. Perfect youth leaders? No. Perfect Children's Ministry? No Perfect Worship Team? No- I could go on and on, but you get the point. Imperfect people serve here. But God somehow uses imperfect people, doesn't he? Have you read the bible?

Actually, the perfect church does exist, but not in our limited definition. Jesus died for a perfect church. It is perfect, not because you and I have no flaws, but because of his blood.

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