Monday, September 14, 2009

A House Divided?

"Come and be apart of these great services" the invitation would say. I would receive various fliers advertising special events which would be held at this church. I knew the pastor and people of this church very well. I also knew that they did not understand what they were asking me to do... Come, and be apart.

It is the apart thing that I see quite frequently. I see it in marriages, and it is also mirrored in churches. But I have never asked for, nor wanted to see any of them come apart. Neither did my ministry friends who issued the invitation, for that matter. To come apart is to be divided. It means to be separated. When the church has divisions, it is difficult to progress. You will never be in a church that is perfect. It is made of imperfect people. There will never be a pastor that you totally agree with on all issues, never a song leader that sings all the songs you prefer. There will be opportunities in church life for disagreements. And sometimes we must simply agree to disagree. Unity does not mean we all love chocolate. Biblical unity came about with people of various cultures and customs who assembled together for a cause greater than their diversities. In fact, the diversities in church strengthen it, rather than weaken it. The same way in a marriage. It is the harmony of two unique individuals who come together in a bond of love and join their lives in a covenant relationship.

I always knew what the intent of the letter was from the church. They did not actually want a divided house. They wanted me to come and be a part. To be apart, and to be a part are two different things entirely. I want to encourage you today, not to be apart, but to be a part. Link up with those of like passion, like vision. Be a part- contribute, make it better.

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