Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year?

The dictionary defines happy as: delighted, pleased, glad over a particular thing; pleasure, contentment, joy; favored by fortune; cheerful, willing (source:

I awoke this morning only to discover several problems lingering from 2008. My bank account did not accumulate wealth overnight. I did not suddenly get delivered from all my weaknesses. The cake left over from last week tempted me this morning, and I ate it. And, no, my pants size wasn't reduced 2 sizes.

In reality I did not expect instant success and victory. Yes, I know God can do things supernaturally and independent of our involvement. But usually He works in a partnership with us. And He never violates our will. So, if I choose to continue to yield to the temptation of sweets, I will continue to have the battle of the bulge. And if I continue to spend more than I earn, I will continue to have the battle of the budget.

We had an awesome watchnight service last night. We sang, prayed, shouted, danced before the Lord. Our youth team presented a powerful skit in drama. And we did the countdown, with the whistles, horns, hats, and balloons. It was both a worshipful and festive atmosphere. As 2009 entered, we wished everyone a Happy New Year!

But our happiness, or the word I prefer to use, is joy- is not contingent on circumstances or situations. The joy of the Lord is my strength. In good times and in bad times, in weak economy, in financial prosperity; in times of health and in times of sickness; when people love me, and when they despise me and work against me, of this I am sure. If God is for me, who can be against me? A Happy New Year can be mine if I stay focused, keep my mind renewed, and remember that no matter what comes my way, I am truly blessed and highly favored.

I wish upon you and your family a very blessed, prosperous, and favorable Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for reminding us that the key to having a happy new year lies within the commitment of our heart. I enjoy reading your blogs. Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

Christian, thanks for reading the blogs, and for taking the time to respond.