Saturday, January 23, 2010

Disappearing blogs

Every once in a while I do it. I write something that I realize some time later I wish I hadn't posted. Just did that on my blog. It was nothing much, just observations about an appearance of a young lady. But when I thought about it, I realized the blog did not meet my objective in writing.

It was not encouraging, it was not anything relational. It was not about family or friends, Jesus, or the church. And a blog doesn't have to be. There are blogs posted that are about pretty much anything. But that is not my purpose.

So if you happen to read a blog and then it is gone, I just decided I didn't want it posted. It may have been something too personal, or something such as this one. It wasn't bad-- it just wasn't something that would benefit.

God Bless!
Pastor Ronnie


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