Friday, January 1, 2010

Going on a DIET!

Oh no, here we go again. I am going to say it. That four letter word. You know, the one we hear every time this year. It is on the top of the new year resolutions. it is the one that is abandoned by about the third week. I speak from experience. I have begun the diet thing the last two years at the start of the new year, but was not committed.

It is a difficult thing, isn't it? I personally know people who have no weight issues, and can eat anything they want. I also know those who are disciplined in this area. My wife and I have struggled for years. Several years ago she went through the process of joining Weight Watchers. It was a good system for her by holding her accountable and giving her charts and menus of food that was healthy. They taught her about portion sizes and the need of exercise. I never attended a class with Trish, but began with her. I lost 60 pounds in a process of about 8 months time, and she lost about 50 during that time. I never felt better in my life.

When I reached my goal, I retreated to my old choices of junk food and sweets. Within a matter of time, I had added the weight back, and then some. Now I am five years older, and I can tell it is affecting me. My stamina is not as strong as it was, and I feel it is affecting my ability to do what God has called me to do in the manner that is pleasing to him.

So I begin again. I have already started, as of this past Monday. I had intended not to say anything about it, as I don't want people looking at me should I slip. I am writing this blog, more or less, to record my goal. I may post it on Twitter, it is less personal for me. More of my "up close friends", those who are local, are on Facebook. I probably am not going to post it there. My trials and errors in the diet thing is known by those close to me, and I don't want it to be a conversation piece for them.

To help me avoid seeing my diet as a bad word, I have made an acronym for the word:

Discipline. It will not be easy. But I make a daily decision to reel in my desires for unhealthy foods

Intentional. I will intentionally monitor my weight, calories and fat intake, and exercise. Losing weight will not be automatic, I must take steps to insure that I progress towards my goal.

Exercise. I love to walk, ride the bike. I will take the time and make the time for this.

Time. This is a process. It will not happen in a day. I have set my goal of what I want to accomplish. I have broken it down in smaller segments so that I can rejoice in milestones reached along the way. I will occasionally eat something not on my diet list, I will indulge. But I purpose by the help of God and my commitment to reach my goal. It will take time.

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