Monday, June 30, 2008


News just being released tells us of a study that shows that mice being given the equivalent of six to eight cups of coffee a day are less likely to develop a disease similar to multiple scerosis.
As I read the study, I wondered what kind of guys sit in a lab, and say something like, "hey, let's give these rats eight cups of coffee for a six months, and see what that will do". Then after the study, they review all their rat information to find that the high addiction to caffeine greatly reduces the threat of the above said disease.
I'm no rat scientist, but I figure that with a rat's size, and my size, that I could probably have about six to eight hundred cups per day. Just when I was about to get excited and have myself another cup of java, the study continued with this...
...However, experts recommend no more than five cups a day, amid evidence higher doses can worsen diabetes.
I wonder what they can test the mice on for diabetes. How about fried chicken, or banana puddin'? ... something good to go with my java.
Seriously, I appreciate all the research. This is just an attempt at some light hearted humor.
Y'all be blessed,
Pastor Ronnie

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