Sunday, December 28, 2008


There's nothing magical about a new year. Like many churches, we will have a watchnight service to usher in the new year. I will preach a message about the new year and all it's possibilities. We will sing, celebrate, and have a countdown. At midnight we will blow party whistles and toss our hats. We will enjoy ourselves and get caught up in both a spiritual and emotional high.

The truth of the matter is that the new year does not bring an end to our problems. The economy will not change from bad to good overnight. Your problems will not cease to exist. As a matter of fact, the difference is only on the calendar. It will be a day later than before.

What the new year DOES bring is an opportunity to reflect. It is an occasion to begin again, a new start. Really the fresh start begins in you. The vows and resolutions you make today will only be as good as your dedication and determination to keep them. I need to lose weight, and that is one of my goals. But my pants are not going to fall off of me simply because it is a new year. It will require much discipline, exercise, and determination on my part. The resolution I make today must be followed up a month from now, two months from now, and on.

I am looking forward to the new year. But I know I will carry some present needs and problems with me into the crossing into 2009. I want to get closer to God, become more like Him. I want to be more loving, more forgiving. There are other personal goals I have. I am making a fresh start. The new year provides an opportunity for reflection and new commitments.

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