Tuesday, August 18, 2009


If you live, you know there are battles. Problems and adversities arise. Conflicts and struggles will come your way. It is not a question of IF, but a question of WHEN. Warfare IS coming your way. I know from experience. Those of us in ministry seem to constantly face one battle after another. We experience great victories only to face another battle whose enemy seems larger than the last.

Sometimes you may feel as if you are the only one facing the enemy's advance. Your marriage may be going through a crisis. Your church may be struggling. There may be financial problems, sickness and disease. At times it may be a combination of things.

I have had the Elijah complex before. Have you? Remember Elijah? He felt at one point in his life as if he was the only one standing for truth, the only one God had left. He was facing the battle, and he was isolated. Discouragement set in.

In the trench is where you go to retreat, hide, rest. It indicates a place to go for cover. The battle is raging, and you are still fighting. But you need a hole to hide in, if only temporarily. You may actually continue to fight from the trench. I don't want to be like Elijah. I don't want to be alone in the trenches of life.

I remember one time a number of years ago. I was facing deep discouragement. I had felt betrayed by a certain group of leaders in the church I was pastor of. I talked to a pastor friend of mine. He came to my home immediately to comfort and console me. I felt as if he was ready to take his spiritual weapons out and help me attack those who had attacked me. He got down in the trenches with me and strengthened me. After some wise counsel, we decided not to attack the unwise board. But it was good to know I wasn't in the trenches alone. There next to me was another soldier who understood warfare and pain. He was ready to guard my life to the point of laying his on the line.

I don't believe its by accident that you are reading this blog today. You may be experiencing some great pain at this moment. I want to encourage you. You are not in the trench alone. I am praying for you, and others are. I also want to send a challenge out for others. You are called to rescue those in need. Like the Good Samaritan, there are some wounded ones along life's hiway. They may not attend our church or be in our denomination. They may be of another culture or color. It matters not. Jesus died for them. They need someone to get down in the trench with them.

My life's aim is to get in the trenches. To reach out to the discouraged, hurting, lost, hungry. To be there for them. From one who knows pain, I can't pass by as if I didn't see.


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