Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer Slumps

If you have followed any of my blogs at all, you know that I like to keep it real. I am not on here to give you a false impression of my greatness or success. I am pastor of a small town church in small town USA. My perspective is from where I am. OK, here's today's blog about Summer Slumps...

I talked with a couple of friends in the last week who are pastors, as I. As usual, when we talk, the conversation eventually includes something about church life. Both mentioned how both the attendance and finances had been affected this summer. I definitely understood what they were saying.

Let me say up front that I encourage people to get away if they can do so. Take a few days or a week and get out of town. Some are fortunate enough to be able to do so several times a year. I am glad for those who are able to do so. I understand the importance of the vacation or retreat.

But at the same time I somewhat dread seeing them coming. On any given Sunday during the summer, several families are away. Add that with those who just decided to go to the lake or nearby mountains, and we have seen attendance drop dramatically. Sometimes a third of our congregation is not there. Sometimes it is worse. Yesterday was the case. I had a "grand" sermon, I was pumped. But in all honesty, when I stood before the congregation, it was like I had lost the sail out of my boat. I summoned faith and stirred my spirit. It was a good service, and the ones there were receptive.

But I'll be glad when the summer vacations are over. The thing now is, some of those with kids not in school wait until September to take their trips. Summer slump extended to October?

Feedback is welcome. Y'all be blessed!

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