Sunday, December 20, 2009

I'm taking Christ out of Christmas

I see it posted everywhere. "Keep Christ in Christmas." I have echoed the sentiments of others who raise their voices to keep Christ in the holiday that celebrates his birth. But when I think about the implications of the statement, it is really the LAST thing I want to do.

Yes, I want to continue to honor the name of Jesus. And as a Christian, I am bothered that the world we live in goes to great extent to omit his name and mention during the Christmas season. I have a problem with the secular world trying to de- Christ Christmas. "Happy Holiday" has become the norm, lest we offend. So while I stand with my brothers and sisters in Christ who are offended that he is left out of their mentions, I want to say again-- I'm taking Christ out of Christmas.

The very term Christmas means a festival, or celebration of Christ. And I get that. We should celebrate him throughout the year, not just at Christmas time. The problem is that we want to keep him in something he wants to get out of. We box Jesus into our narrow minded theology, we box him into our cultures and creeds, and we box him into our own prejudices. Jesus is ok with many believers as long as he doesn't intrude into the world they live. As long as he doesn't interrupt their schedule or affect their choices.

Church, its time to get him out of the box. He isn't in a manger any more. He is the King of Glory, residing in the hearts of those who trust him. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

Here's one preacher who is for taking Christ out of Christmas!

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