Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hosanna to the King!

Today is Palm Sunday. I sit this morning getting my thoughts together for the sermon today. I plan on sharing about Jesus' triumphant march into Jerusalem. There are voices in this crowd that are shouting. Some of these same voices that are shouting Hosanna are probably among those voices shouting a week later for him to be crucified.

Yes, as Paul Harvey says, "stay tuned for the rest of the story". You and I know from our bibles that only a week later the tide has turned and Jesus is crucified on a cross. So on Palm Sunday I am somewhat torn between staying on the subject of celebrating the King to the message of the betrayel, the cross, and the tomb. And yet, all of it ties together. You see, the people of Jesus' day were looking for an earthly king to establish an earthly kingdom that would rule. They were disappointed when Jesus would not accomodate them. But in crucifying him, the enemy played into the hands of the eternal plan of God (1st Corinthians 2:8 .. had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory). But the grave could not hold him. He arose triumphant. He conquered so that we could live!

So go ahead and celebrate. Cry out Hosanna-- Save, now. The King of Glory, the Lord, strong and mighty comes to us!

Be Blessed,
Pastor Ronnie

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