Thursday, March 27, 2008


Sometimes I have to remind myself that things are going to work out, that God is in control. Yeah, I know I preach that God can do anything. I pray for miracles in other people's lives, and have seen things happen that only God can do. But I'll admit there are times when I allow fear, frustration, and doubt to unsettle me...

Like things going on in the church I pastor. We seem to get past one hurdle only to face another. And lately I have been watching the political process. I have expressed my disappointment at the choices of candidates left. Then there's the economy. They say gas will be over $4 per gallon by Memorial Day. I've got 3 gas guzzlers (I prefer the "big" ride), so it's more like $4.30.

So today I am checking my attitude. If I believe what I preach, then I believe God will see us through what we are going through. I need to guard my thought life and the words I speak. There is life or death in the power of the tongue. I'll admit, I don't know how things are going to work out-- but with faith in God, things will work out. The old song by Walt Mills says, "I've got a feelin', everything's gonna be alright"...

I've got to stop complaining. Whoever winds up in the White House should have our prayers and support, be it Obama, Clinton, or McCain. And whatever the price of gas and food is, God will see us through.

Reminder to self: IT'S GONNA BE ALRIGHT!

Pastor Ronnie

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