Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Senator Biden made a statement the other day that generated some negative publicity for his running mate, Senator Obama. He said, "mark my words, we're going to have a crisis to test the mettle of this guy." To test the mettle means to test the courage or fortitude of; to see what someone is made of. Athletes are given mettles for winning the games. The testing of someone is to see if they are mettle worthy. While Senator Biden's comments were meant, I assume, on his part to be a statement that Obama could pass the test, his words were jumped on by the McCain camp. They quickly ran spots stating that Obama could not pass the mettle test, while he, McCain, could.

My blog today is not about which candidate I think can pass the test. It is about you and I. You see, in the real world, it is everyday people that are being tested. Paul said the faith walk is an adventure that sometimes requires a fight. (1 Timothy 6:12) The word fight is defined as a battle, conflict, struggle, war. And sometimes life contains those elements.

Yes, there are times when the struggle is great. And the battle may not be of your making. A sickness, a disease. A financial crisis. A marriage breakdown- he or she walked out on you. You feel abandoned, lonely, isolated. Your problem may be none of these, or it may be all of these. It could be something else entirely. Regardless, the odds are that we will eventually be in a fight, a battle, a conflict. You may want to run, but to run is not an option.

The single mom, the cancer diseased patient, the struggling family with three kids and an income that makes it difficult to make ends meet. Difficult times test our mettle. I know what it is to endure intense trials and to feel as if I am not going to make it. But I have come to tell you today that you can pass this test. Fight the fight of faith. Stand when you don't feel like standing. Don't quit. You can make it.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo made it. Daniel made it. Hebrews chapter eleven is a story of people who made it. Some made it when others gave up and quit. You may be going through a crisis today. It may be testing time. You can pass this test. I know you can. God knows you can. He sent me today to remind you.

Love and Prayers,
Pastor Ronnie

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