Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Struggling today? Feel as if the weight of the world is on you? I've got some good news for you. You can make it past the present pain. There's a Heavenly Father watching over you, who loves you so, so much. He knows how it feels. He understands disappointment. Our God has promised to be with you in every situation, and His promises do not fail. You can trust Him. He loves you with a love so great that He gave His only begotten Son for you. Wow, what a sacrifice, what a love.

Whatever the crisis may be- it's not too deep for God. However long the pain may have been afflicted-- there is a God who can rescue you. Put your problems in the hands of Him, and He will take control. You may not can handle it, but He can.

My 4 year old grandson thinks his dad can do anything. He pretty much thinks that of me, too. And I will do anything within my means or ability to make sure he is not disappointed. Those who know me have seen the love I have for Zach. Multiply that love one trillion times over, and you still haven't measured the love God has for you.

I know you can make it today. We're praying for you. Hang in there. This is your day!

Love and Prayers,
Pastor Ronnie

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Thank you... this is very timely. I am struggling with finding a parishioner of ours from our church, dead from suicide. No indication he would do this. Thank you for writing this. It has been very difficult. Please pray for his wife and family. And please pray for our church. I love reading your blog.