Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Social Networking

I attempt to make connections at every point available. I am on the social networks of facebook and twitter, in addition to this blog site. Facebook allows interaction. The facebook page says "facebook is a great way to connect with friends." I have found it to be a place to connect with family, friends, and church members. I have also met new friends and reconnected with old ones.
It is a format I have used to share the gospel of Christ. Probably 75% of what I share on there is about the Lord.

Twitter is a little different, in that you get 140 letter spaces to make a statement. You can post links to a website or blog, but the main format is the 140 letter statement. Some use it as a resource for selling their product. I use it as a format to share something uplifting and about the Lord. Many of those I follow are believers, and many who follow me are, as well. I do follow some who I have no interest at all. The reason I follow them is their large gathering of followers allows me to reach far more people than I could on my on. When I post something, if they are following me (some will only follow you if you follow them), it will get shared via thousands of people connected. For example, I currently have over 1100 followers. Some of those followers have thousands of followers. The potential is great.

Some pastors are now encouraging their parishioners to use twitter during church services. To share instantly and interact about what they are hearing. I am not ready to do that, but I am encouraging our church family to go beyond themselves.

I posted something last night about sending out a hug to someone. Just a word as simple as saying, Here's a hug for you. Got some feedback. Yeah, it appeared the hug was sent right on time. You never know who you may be blessing and encouraging.

Signing out... here's a hug :)

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